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Concussion Protocol

Important steps for umpires to follow in case of head injury:


  1. Stop the game: If a player sustains a head injury, the first step is to immediately stop the game. This will ensure that the player can receive the necessary medical attention and that the injury does not worsen.

  2. Check for signs of concussion: The umpire should approach the injured player and check for signs of concussion, such as confusion, dizziness, or loss of consciousness. If the player is unconscious or unresponsive, immediately call for emergency medical services.

  3. Remove the player from the game: If the player shows signs of a concussion, they should be removed from the game immediately and not allowed to return until they have been cleared by a medical professional.

  4. Notify the coach and parent/guardian: The coach and parent/guardian of the injured player should be notified of the situation as soon as possible. The umpire should explain what happened and the signs of concussion that were observed.

  5. Record the incident: The umpire should record the incident in their game report, detailing the nature of the injury, the signs observed, and the steps taken to ensure the player's safety. Please report back to your umpire chief.

  6. Ask the coach to follow-up with the player and their family to check on their well-being and ensure return to play protocol is followed.

Overall, the safety and well-being of the players should be the top priority for umpires. Following this concussion protocol can help ensure that players receive the necessary care and support in the event of a potential head injury.